I love new beginnings, especially significant ones like a new year! 2017 was an incredible year and I am looking to make 2018 even better. Now I don't think I can top getting married and buying our first home, but I do think there is lots of room for growth and lots to achieve in the new year!
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day
- I am pretty sure I am always dehydrated. I've already been to the emergency clinic once for dehydration and that is something I never want to repeat again. So from now on I am making a conscience effort to drink 8 glassed of water a day.
- Journal everyday
- This is something I have tried doing before and have never kept it up. This year I am trying a new approach. In the past I had a hard time writing about my day, especially if it was a boring one. This time, I am counting listing out what I did that day as a journal entry. So if I have lots to write about then great! And if it was a boring day spent in front of my computer working then I will just list out what I accomplished.
- Workout 4 days a week
- This goal is on my list every year. I tend to start off strong and lose my focus during summer and the holiday season. I really hope to push through and check this off my list every single week!
- Cook a new meal once a week
- I am such a foodie, but I don't really cook much. So this year I am collecting recipes and trying them all!
- Work from a coffee shop 1 day a week
- I work from home 90% of the time. The other 10% is spent working a couple of mornings a week with all the lovely people at Kate Spade! I love getting dressed up and out of the house when I work at Kate, but most of my time is spent at home and working from home can get very lonely. Since my graphic design business is all online I am making it a goal to work from a coffee shop at least one day a week. Hopefully getting out of the house and out of my PJs will help bring new ideas and inspiration into my work.
- No TV or Social Media 1 day a week
- Disconnecting from my phone and computer is a priority in the new year. I want to spend more time face to face with my friends and family instead of aimlessly scrolling or watching TV.
- Read 2 books a month
- I have always loved to read! I even got in trouble as a kid for staying up way past my bed time reading Harry Potter! I haven't been the best at reading books the last couple of years. Sure I read a ton of articles online but none are anywhere as fulfilling as finishing a good book. So this year I've add a ton of books to my Amazon cart and am going to read more.
- Try a new restaurant
- Once I've tried a restaurant I like, I get comfortable and go back to it over and over again. While there is nothing wrong with that, I want to explore all the wonderful food options available here in Houston so I am making a list and checking off at least one new to me restaurant off of it every month.
- Plan a girls night
- At every girls night we talk about how we should do it more often and then we don't. So I am taking the lead and planing a girls night every month. Some quality girl time is always fun!
- Send birthday cards
- This one is because I love my friends and family and sending them a card is the least I can do to remind them that they are special and loved.
- Run a 10k
- In 2017 I developed a consistent running habit. This year I want to become a better runner. I've signed up to run the Rodeo Run 10k on February 24! This will be my first timed run since college!
- Run a half marathon
- My long runs in the past have topped off at 8 miles. This year I want to train for longer distances and want to run a half marathon. I've downloaded a training program and hope to check this off my list!
- Complete a Whole 30
- Steven and I both want to develop healthier food habits, so we decided to do a whole 30 in March. We know it will be difficult, but we are willing to give it our best shot. We've got our Whole 30 books and are going to start planning for it now. We hope to complete a Whole 30 in March.
- Plan our 30th birthday party
- Steven and I are both celebrating the big 3-0 in December and we want to make it a birthday to remember.
There you have it, my goals for 2018! Cheers to the new year!
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